身 BODY - 人類設計圖 藏經閣 HDS LIBRARY

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身體 Body / 意識本質 nature of unconscious

Planets 行星 ▷ Gates 閘門 ▷ Channels 通道 ▷ Centers 中心

4 Packs = 13+1 Glyphs; 64 Gates; 32+4 Channels; & 7+2 Centers
太陽 Sun1.0yrHigher Destiny
地球 Earth1.0yrSustainability Path
北交點 N Nodes18.6yrLife Path Direction before 42yrs
南交點 S Nodes18.6yrLife Path Direction after 42yrs
月亮 Moon27.3dEnergy of Social Attraction and Drive
水星 Mercry88.0dCommunication and Self-Expression
金星 Venus224dThe Basis of Moral Values
火星 Mars1.9yrPowerful but Immature Energy
木星 Jupiter11.9yrInternal Law of Development
土星 Saturn29.4yrTeaching as Punishment for Apostasy
天王星 Uranus83.7yrThe Energy of Chaos and Order in Life
海王星 Neptune163.7yrEnergy of Mystical Experiences
冥王星 Pluto247.9yrInner Truth and Beliefs
凱龍星 Kiron50.7yrGreatest Gift & Connection to Unity
個人 Individual Circuit: to empower others by assisting them in changing & adapting to change
集成迴路 Integration 10/20 覺醒 Awakening
10/57 完型 Perfected Form
20/34 魅力 Charisma
34/57 力量 Power
show others love by manifestation of "egoism"
覺知迴路 Knowing 1/8 啟發 Inspiration
2/14 脈動 Beat
3/60 突變 Mutation
12/22 開放 Openness
20/57 腦波 Brainwave
23/43 架構 Structuring
24/61 察覺 Awareness
28/38 脫困 Struggle
39/55 情緒 Emoting
help to find solutions with intuitive knowledge
中央迴路 Centering 10/34 探索 Exploration
25/51 發起 Initiation
confidence with a sense of "Self" integrity
部落 Tribal Circuit: whose care gives strength to live, achieve goals and develop
防護迴路 Defense 6/59 親密 Mating
27/50 保存 Preservation
support & care for Procreation and "Tribe"
自主迴路 Ego 19/49 合成 Synthesis
21/45 金錢 Money
26/44 投降 Surrender
32/54 蛻變 Transformation
37/40 社團 Community
support Material World & Everyday Life
集體 Collective Circuit: to share and solve the problems of all humanity
感知迴路 Sensing
11/56 好奇 Curiosity
13/33 智謀 Prodigal
29/46 發現 Discovery
30/41 讚賞 Recognition
35/36 無常 Transitoriness
42/53 成熟 Maturation
47/64 抽象 Abstraction
explore new horizons & engage in adventures
理解迴路 Understanding
4/63 邏輯 Logic
5/15 韻律 Rhythm
7/31 始創 Alpha
9/52 專心 Concentration
16/48 波長 Wavelength
17/62 接受 Acceptance
18/58 批評 Judgement
provide critical thinking skills, & analysis ability
頭頂 HeadMental Pressure64, 63, 61
頭腦 MindMental Awareness4, 47, 24, 17, 11, 43
喉嚨 ThroatSelf-expression & Speech23, 8, 20, 16, 35, 45, 12, 62, 56, 31, 33
自我 Self (G)Love & Direction2, 15, 7, 46, 25, 13, 10, 1
*意志力 HeartAmbition & Ego Interests40, 51, 21, 26
薦骨 SacralEnergy for Creation29, 59, 27, 3, 42, 5, 9, 34, 14
情緒 EmotionEmotional Awareness6, 36, 22, 37, 55, 30, 49
*直覺 SpleenInstincts & Immunity18, 48, 57, 32, 50, 28, 44
根部 RootAdrenaline Pressure52, 39, 53, 19, 41, 60, 54, 38, 58

參考 Reference

All from 2 books by Ra Uru Hu (Black '91; White '95)

所有信息來自這兩本祖師爺的原著作 (黑 1991; 白 1995)
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